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 page 14 SOURSTAAKEIHNOLADEBRSILITY Lidl Ireland/Northern Ireland | Sustainability Progress Report 2018/19 ENGAGING WITH OUR KEY STAKEHOLDERS IS A FUNDAMENTAL STEP TO TRULY UNDERSTANDING THE VALUES AND ISSUES THEY CARE ABOUT MOST. IN 2018 WE SPOKE WITH AND LISTENED TO MANY PEOPLE, INCLUDING and Northern Ireland, we have multiple platforms for CUSTOMERS,EMPLOYEES,SUPPLIERS,COMMUNITIESANDNGOS1 TOHELPDEFINEOURSTRATEGYANDFUTURE two-waycommunicationandfeedback.Ourdedicated COMMITMENTS. THESE DIVERSE PERSPECTIVES WILL CONTINUE TO HELP SHAPE OUR ACTIONS AND THE IMPLEMENTATION OF OUR INITIATIVES AS WE MOVE FORWARD ON OUR JOURNEY. Customers: Our customers are the primary focus of our business. We recognise that effective communication with our customers can help to foster good relationships, improve loyalty and trust in our brand. We receive annual customer research regarding customers’ perceptions of our performance in relation to CSR and also conducted in-depth research in numerous CSR topics to understand what is most important to them. We offer opportunities for feedback and requests through numerous channels particularly through our dedicated customer service team based in our head office in Tallaght, Co. Dublin. Suppliers: Our philosophy is if we find a supplier who fits our business model, values and goals, we work together in collaboration. Many of our suppliers have been working with us since we opened our doors in 1999 and our relationships have deepened and become more strategic over the years. Our buying, quality, packaging and responsible sourcing teams work closely with suppliers on a daily basis developing products and ensuring customers’ needs are met. Employees: Our team drives our business. With four distribution centres and 200 stores across Ireland 1 GRI 102-40, 2 GRI 102-42, 3 GRI 102-43 Resources and Agriculture Agricultural Inputs Cultivation & Harvesting Animal Keeping Production Customers Suppliers Lidl Group Our Key Stakeholders Employees Supply Chain and Processing Processing Transportation Logistics Centre Community Partners 2,3 intranet, employee app and business systems facilitate communication with our employees. We use regular employee surveys to gain feedback and insights from all employees. Partners: We collaborate with a broad range of partners from our charity partners, to our sponsorships, Business in the Community (an independent company specialising in corporate responsibility) as well as our various other networking and industry partners. We are members of the Retail Food Waste Forum as well as the Government led Action Group on CSR. Through clear and regular communication forums and meetings, we harness these partnerships to their full potential. Partner feedback and collaboration is necessary for sustainable development and growth. Communities: Through our stores, we are present in hundreds of communities across the island of Ireland. Offering high quality food at low prices as well as extensive community support. We speak openly and transparently about our plans for development and listen closely to the views of those representing each locality, such as councils and community groups. Lidl Group: All local teams from each country are also represented in our international headquarters. There is a dedicated point of contact on each team who shares updates, reports and points of interest monthly. Operations and Processes Customer and Society Transportation Stores and Services Purchase Usage Disposal 

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